Iaveta Short
With a surprising frankness, Iaveta Short leads us through the political landscape of the Cook Islands. As an ex-politician, public service agent and entrepreneur, and in contrast with many islanders, he musn't fear possible reprisal. Short retired from politics but remains attached to the Democratic Party. He holds a hereditary chiefly title ('mataiapo') and was awarded an Order of the British Empire in 1995.
In September 2020 his book False start to paradise was launched. In this memoir he recalls his career during the formative years of the Cook Islands, which gained self-government from New Zealand in 1965. From the booklaunch and the cover of the book: 'Mr Short was the first Cook Islander to graduate with a law degree from Auckland University.' He was a Cabinet Minister from 1978-1983 and a diplomat for the Cook Islands serving in New Zealand from 1985 to 1998. 'He led several Government negotiations', a.o. on increasing the Cook's autonomy from New Zealand, on the Cook Islands becoming a signatory to the Law of the Sea Convention, landing rights to Sydney' and last but not least on the Sheraton Hotel debacle that brought the Cook Islands on the brink of bankruptcy. As a successfull entrepreneur, mr Short runs Moana Sands (villas/hotel/resort) on the South side of Rarotonga. He lives nearby in Tikioki in the Takitumu district.